Groundbreaking capabilities; Our advanced power grid management software suite.
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Addressing Key Challenges

Overcome critical industry challenges with Omega products.

Our cutting-edge Omega technology is a suite of software products designed to support utility power grid management. Omega integrates with existing systems and allows utilities to optimise power grids with next level precision and control. With a strong focus on network capacity, renewable energy integration, and cost reduction, Omega is revolutionising power grid management at any voltage level.

How do we do this?

Why is this important?

Consequences of Inefficiency

Costly Infrastructure Upgrades

Inefficient grid management leads to expensive reinforcements and infrastructure enhancements.

Energy Losses

Inadequate grid management results in wasteful energy losses during transmission and distribution.

Limited Renewable Integration

Inefficient systems hinder the full utilisation of renewable energy sources and impede sustainable energy adoption.

Key Benefits

Why utilities are switching on to the Omega effect

Defer Network Reinforcements

Omega helps utilities optimise asset utilisation by intelligently managing existing resources, delaying the need for costly network reinforcements.

Enhanced Network Availability

Omega offers better visibility and control over network assets, enabling utilities to prevent overloads and ensure higher network availability and reliability.

Seamless Integration

Omega prides itself on being technology-agnostic, enabling seamless integration with all vendors and technologies, and leveraging utilities API connections to ensure maximum compatibility.

Our Range of Products

Explore the diverse products within the Omega suite


Gain comprehensive insights into your network's performance with advanced features such as energy forecasting, CO2 projections, and renewables projections.


Make informed decisions with predictive insights. Quantify DER impact, identify anomalies, and seamlessly integrate real-time changes within  Clone.


Minimise costs and maximise efficiency through congestion management, voltage optimisation, and flexible resource utilisation.


Achieve unparalleled control over your power grid with features like island re-synchronisation, coordinated voltage and frequency control, and wide area monitoring at any voltage level.